
Seminar on land and offshore winds will hold a seminar on Monday, November 20, which talks about the trends of the wind status observation in Japan

We will hold an online seminar on the theme of "Technical issues in wind -powered wind -based air -based observation and practical use of survey." Seminar Overview Schedule: 2023 (Monday) 13: 00-14: 20Holding style: Online seminar (Zoom Webiner)way to participate: Advance registration systemcost:freeSponsoring:Toyota Tsusho Co., Ltd., Relatech Co., Ltd.Cooperation: Windpal Co., Ltd.

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[Press Release] The first domestic example of "Accuracy Verification Examination Site for Water Wind Power Generation" has been accepted on the official website

Relateech has a model of the accuracy verification test site necessary for accuracy of the precision of the air -style observation, which is one of the once in Japan, along with the National University Corporation Kobe University and the Japan Meteorological Association. It was constructed and developed under the name of "Mutsu Ogawahara East Win -Wanto Observation Examination Site" in Ogawara Port, and we started accepting applications from websites. At the same time, the user can use the facility for a fee.

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Our representative Kohana and Director of Director will be lecturers in the "Wind Sea E theme observation and analysis and power generation prediction course" of NAGASAKEAN ACADEMY (NOA), which will be held on November 28-30, 2023. 。

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