In the wind power generation business, wind observation using various instruments such as wind masts and Doppler lidar is essential. Together with our technical partners, CLIMA TEQ Co., Ltd. and SEIDENSHA INC., we provide high-quality and stable wind observation based on domestic and international standards (e.g. IEC, JIS) and guidelines (e.g. MEASNET-Site Wind Condition Evaluation, Wind Farm Certification Onshore Wind Power Plant Edition).

We will develop observation plans using wind masts and Doppler LIDAR based on desk studies and on-site surveys.

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  • During desk-based studies, we will use GIS and satellite images to understand the buildings, trees, and topographical structure in the surrounding area and select potential observation sites.
  • As part of our on-site reconnaissance, we will confirm the location information of potential observation sites, the surrounding conditions, and whether or not there is a power source, and then we will draw up a final observation plan.
  • The observation plan will be drawn up based on the observation methods used in the NEDO project "Fixed-bottom offshore wind farm development support project (establishment of offshore wind condition investigation methods)" and the latest knowledge both in Japan and overseas, with the assumption that the site will undergo an evaluation of wind conditions for wind farm certification.

We provide a comprehensive range of services, from procuring wind mast equipment to installation, observation, maintenance, removal, and organization of observation data.

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  • We will prepare a wind mast installation report, as well as monthly and annual reports compiling wind observation data.
  • We will thoroughly examine whether the design of the wind mast structure and the boom for mounting observation instruments comply with domestic and international standards.
  • We will carefully examine whether appropriate models of wind observation sensors (e.g. triple-cup anemometer, arrow-type wind vane) have been selected.

In addition to vertical lidars that measure wind conditions in the sky, there has been active development of scanning lidars, which emit laser light in three dimensions and enable measurements several kilometers ahead, particularly at sea, and floating lidars, which are buoys mounted with vertical lidars. We provide a consistent service from equipment procurement to installation, observation, maintenance, removal, and organization of observation data.

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  • We can also handle observations in special installation environments such as areas with heavy snowfall or on the rooftops of buildings.
  • We will propose a scanning lidar model suitable for your business area. We will also propose observation methods for turbulence intensity based on the knowledge gained through the NEDO project "Fixed-bottom offshore wind farm development support project (establishment of offshore wind condition survey method)."
  • We also handle applications for permits and licenses related to the installation of floating riders.