"RERA"is an Ainu language found in northern Japan."Wind"This is a word that means.
The Ainu, who have lived in harmony with nature since ancient times, revere animals, plants, everyday objects and homes, mountains, lakes, and other natural phenomena, believing that they are inhabited by "gods."
We believe that humans are also part of nature.To ensure that people's lives, cultures, and local communities can develop sustainably together with the global environment.I
We named the company Rera Tech Inc. with this in mind.
Vision: Create a place I want to live for 100 years on earth.地球|
What we create is a future that is far into the future, but which is certain to come.
A star where everyone lives, a town where someone lives.
Mission: Design the future of energy and society through weather and ICT.
1. Be Future-oriented — Focus on the futurePut it down and think.
2. Be Pioneering — Research and businessContinue to update the results.
3. Be collaborative — Industry, academia, government and citizensWorking with all kinds of partners.
Rera Tech Inc.'s Purpose
①Weather × ICTでTo build a bridge between Academia and Industry
By applying cutting-edge technologies developed at university research institutes to business and sharing business challenges with the academic world, we will strengthen collaboration between academia and industry.

・Development of wind observation methods
・Development of wind simulation methods
・Power generation and wake calculation
・Uncertainty assessment regarding power generation volume
・Future predictions (climate change)
Sharing the latest research information
Applying research findings to practical work→

←Sharing information on market trends
Proposing and carrying out joint research
・Planning and implementing wind observations
・Selection of wind turbine model and placement
・Energy generation evaluation
Wind condition evaluation
Wind turbine operation evaluation
②To guidethe right introductionof wind power
We provide a comprehensive wind condition survey (observation, simulation, and analysis) that includes the power generation evaluation and wind turbine design evaluation required for constructing a wind power plant.

Power generation evaluation
-Predict the amount of electricity generated over the project period (approximately 20 years).
・The calculation results are used for internal decision-making, financing, and public bidding. Bankable Rating
Wind turbine design (wind conditions) evaluation
・Calculate wind condition parameters required for wind turbine design.
・The calculation results will be used in selecting the wind turbine model and in the design of the wind turbine and its foundation. Wind Farm Certification
Wind consultant specializing in wind energy research for wind power generation
Providing industry-academia collaborative consulting services using “weather data” and “ICT technologyと\\\\
Wind power generation field - Wind condition survey(Observation - Simulation - Analysis)
Renewable energy
Regional activation
Primary industry (agriculture, fishing, forestry)