In wind condition surveys, simulation methods using CFD models and meso-meteorological models have been developed to obtain wide-area wind condition information around the development area. We select a model taking into account the various conditions of the development area and propose the optimal solution.

Meso-meteorological models are models capable of solving mesoscale (spatial scale of 2 to 2,000 km) meteorological phenomena. As they are suitable for simulating winds over the ocean, which are greatly affected by thermal effects, they have been adopted in offshore wind development projects both in Japan and overseas. Representative models include WRF and MM5. We will conduct wind simulations using WRF based on the latest research results from Kobe University and AIST, two of Japan's leading research institutes.

sales point

  • We offer calculation options based on research results from Kobe University and offer highly accurate WRF simulations.
  • We will conduct simulations using "data assimilation," which corrects the model using observed wind conditions, which can provide more accurate results than a mesoscale meteorological model alone.

CFD (Computational Fluid Dynamics) models excel at analyzing airflow around physical structures, and are widely used in Japan, where the terrain is mountainous and complex. They are mainly targeted at the micro-scale (spatial scale of less than 2 km), and time-series wind observation values ​​are used as input values. Representative models include MASCOT and WAsP-CFD. We set calculation conditions according to the topographical characteristics of the development area and conduct wind simulations.

sales point

We will carry out MASCOT simulations that correspond to the site wind condition evaluation for wind farm certification, referring to domestic and international standards (e.g. IEC, JIS) and guidelines (e.g. MEASNET-Site Wind Condition Evaluation, Wind Farm Certification Onshore Wind Power Plant Edition).